If you engage in repetitive wrist or hand motions on the job, this can also result in the development of carpal tunnel. It’s title is Speedy Resolution and it’s a 15 by 15 grid, there are 31 clues in this…
What is Periodicity Assumption? Example
Maintaining fixed reporting periods is an essential requirement for proper management control of a business. Periodicity assumption states that a business can report its financial information in any designated period of time. It means that they can divide the activities…
What is Cost of Goods Available For Sale? Definition Meaning Example
The cost of any freight needed to acquire merchandise (known as freight in) is typically considered a part of this cost. Supply may be externally influenced by outside factors such as government policy. Consider how environmental laws place constraints on…
What is a deferred cost?
Accountants will sometimes refer to this type of accounting as straight-line accounting, which simply means the rent expense is evened out over the terms of the lease. A similar concept applies to the budget billing that utility companies offer their…
Outsourcing: How It Works in Business, With Examples
For developers and coders, GitHub is one of the most important tools and resources available. Launched in 2008, it quickly became a “go-to” repository for developers looking to document, depletion definition share, and host private code. While GitHub promptly became…